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Mercury Landscape.jpg

Diameter: 4,879 km

Mass: 3.30 x 10^23 kg

Orbit Distance: 57,909,227 km

Surface Temperature: -173 to 427°C

Moons: None

Fact: Closest to the sun

Mercury is the second hottest planet in our solar system. It has little gravity meaning it is unable to hold onto its atmosphere. Gases from Mercury are constantly being carried into space by solar winds; however, they are replenished by the same solar winds, radioactive decay and dust caused by micrometeorites

The landscapes depicted are purely fictitious but are based on scientific evidence

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The Zatwat is the most common creature found on Mercury. It has the head and arms of a common beetle and body of a snake. It is as long as your forearm and as skinny as your thumb. The Zatwat burrows its head into the warm craters of Mercury as it has a low blood temperature. It creates its food with a photosynthesis like procedure with scales on its back. At times Zatwats can be cannibalistic but tend to stay to themselves and their craters.

Sketch of Zatwat

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