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The landscapes depicted are purely fictitious but are based on scientific evidence

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Sketch of Gorgo

Diameter: 12,104 km

Mass: 4.87 x 10^24 kg

Orbit Distance:    108,209,475 km 

Surface Temperature:    462 °C

Moons: None

Fact: Hottest planet in the Solar System

Not only is Venus our hottest planet it its atmosphere is also crushing. Venus's core is made up of iron, it has a rocky mantle and silicate crust. Its atmosphere is filled with thick clouds so one is not able to see Venus's surface from space. Once on the planet Venus's craters, volcanoes, mountains, and big lava plains are in plain sight.

This is a Gorgo. The Gorgo is the most abundant living creature on Venus.  It has the body of a common worm and legs of a spider. It is as skinny as a pinky and can grow as long at a a football field; however, on average is only 6 feet tall. In order to eat the Gorog spends its life sucking the silicate crust of its home planet. The Gorgo spends most of its life under Venus's hot surface but on the Gorog's occasional outing runs as fast as a cheetah with its spider legs as to not to burn. 

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